Can Mental Resistance Be Overcome? How Does It Work?

In its simplest form, resistance is a psychological reaction to change, just like behavior modification, which is similar to a self-protective mechanism in which we resist or struggle against change. Although we may be motivated by the most sincere intentions, we resist change psychologically.

How does resistance feel?

Resistance is a feeling of not being able to let go or give in to what is happening. Essentially, it is a push-pull energy between one part of us and another concerning a particular idea or challenge.

Individuals resist therapy for several reasons, including the refusal to acknowledge feelings, fantasies, and motives, the refusal to disclose feelings to the therapist, the unwillingness to demonstrate self-sufficiency, and the refusal to change behavior outside the therapy room.

Is there a reason for my internal resistance?

The primary reason for your intense resistance is that you are too concerned about the possible adverse outcomes of the future. Furthermore, constantly dwelling on the past prevents you from concentrating on the present.

The act of resisting is associated with trauma. For this reason, you feel a powerful force within yourself and suddenly fall into paralyzing anxiety and self-destruction. Therefore, you may experience long periods of being stuck or unproductive following your deliberate efforts to become more productive.

Are there any common causes of resistance to change?

  • There is a lack of communication in the absence of trust and confidence.
  • Responses are based on emotions.
  • Anxiety about failure.
  • Ineffective communication.
  • An unrealistic timeline.

You are subjected to alternating cycles and shifts between operating with a scarcity mentality and an abundance mentality. As a result, you relentlessly fight your mind from within and do what you don’t want. As a result, you postpone what you genuinely wish for yourself, significantly increasing your feelings of exhaustion, defeat, and fear.

What is the reason for my brain’s resistance to learning?

Survival is the primary concern of your brain.

When learning a novel activity, such as a dance routine or a change in diet, the brain may resist changes caused by changes in the body (changes in metabolism, heart rate, etc.). Your brain may be resistant to learning for several reasons. The reason might be that you need to be more motivated to learn the material or don’t think you need to know it.

Copyright What is the reason for my brain’s resistance to learning?

There is also the possibility that you think you will need help understanding it or that you do not believe it is worth your time. In order to learn something, you will need to overcome your brain’s resistance. To help you, here are a few tips:

  • Motivate yourself: The material will be easier to learn if you’re interested in it. Engage in what you are trying to learn in a way that excites you.
  • Change your mindset: There is a good chance that you won’t be able to learn something if you don’t think you can. Believe that you can accomplish something whenever you set your mind to something.
  • Make it worth your time: You will not be motivated to learn the material you do not believe is worth your time. Make it interesting or valuable by finding a way to make it enjoyable.
  • Be persistent: Despite not understanding something right away, keep going. The process of learning takes time and effort. It will eventually come to you if you keep at it.

What are the stages of stress resistance?

It is imperative to note that the body begins to repair itself after the initial shock and fight or flight response associated with a stressful event. The body releases a lower cortisol level, normalizing your heart rate and blood pressure. Even though you enter this recovery phase, your body remains highly alert.

Copyright | What are the stages of stress resistance?

Chronic or prolonged stress leads to this stage. An extended period of stress can drain your physical, mental, and emotional resources to the point that your body cannot cope. As a result, you may feel hopeless or give up.

Exhaustion can be characterized by the following signs:

  • Sleepiness or chronic fatigue.
  • Having headaches.
  • Feeling dizzy.
  • Muscle pain or ache.
  • A lack of muscle strength.
  • Slow reflexes and responses.
  • Decision-making and judgment are impaired.
  • Irritability or moodiness.
Copyright | Exhaustion can be characterized by the following signs

Stress becomes more harmful to your health the longer you are exposed to it. Therefore, the resistance stage should be brief to avoid entering the exhaustion stage. As soon as you reach exhaustion, prolonged stress can lead to heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. In addition, a weak immune system increases your risk for infections and cancer.

What can I do to remove resistance from my mind?

  • Take stock of your resistance and find strength within it.
  • Consider what you are resisting and ask yourself why.
  • Loss is a greater fear than change.
  • Embrace a learning mindset.
  • Take advantage of what you can learn to welcome change in the future.
  • It is essential to consider the positive aspects of change.
  • Seek the advice of a mentor or coach.

A fight-or-flight response to a stressful event triggers the body to repair itself. As a result, your blood pressure and heart rate start to normalize. However, the body remains on high alert during this recovery phase.

It usually occurs after whatever triggered your stress has passed. Stress, however, will prolong the reaction stage. Upon lowering your blood pressure and heart rate, your body enters the resistance stage. Cortisol and adrenaline production are also reduced.


Resistance can be traumatizing. The reason behind feeling a powerful force within you and suddenly falling into paralyzing self-destruction and anxiety is due to this phenomenon. This is why you often experience long periods of being stuck or unproductive following the execution of your plans to become more productive. It’s why you cycle through alternating cycles and fluctuate between an abundance mentality and a scarcity mentality. The ruthless battle you wage with yourself from within is why you do the things you do not want to do. As a result, you postpone what you desire for yourself, which makes you exhausted, defeated, and overwhelmed with fear for the future.

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