Brain Biohacking: How to bio hack your brains health?

Brain Biohacking

Brain Biohacking is using your brain to improve cognition, memory, and mental flexibility. This article will help you understand what brain hacking is and how it can help you on a personal level.

You don’t need to be a computer whiz or programmer to get the most out of brain hacking techniques. In fact, many people with average or even sub-normal IQs have discovered ways to maximize their cognitive abilities through practices such as brain hacking.

We will explore some standard methods that are used for brain enhancement.

What is Brain Biohacking?

Brain hacking aims to improve cognition, memory, and mental flexibility through the use of the brain. By modifying our bodies’ “inputs,” we can achieve better “outputs” like reduced stress, enhanced memory and focus, improved performance, and productivity. 

Biohacking refers to using science, technology, and lifestyle changes to improve your quality of life. It may be simple lifestyle activities or complex practices such as depending on gadgets to help you. 

The benefits of Brain Biohacking. 

It all comes down to self-improvement. The biohacking journey can lead to the following:

  • Enhanced mood
  • Cognitive enhancement
  • Improvement in executive function and 
  • Prevention of degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia

A person can start biohacking their brain at any time. 

Brain BioHacking

How to use brain hacking techniques

There are many different brain hacking techniques that you can use to improve your memory, cognition, and mental flexibility. These include: – The “Sudoku” technique: If you’re like most people, you probably hate Sudoku.

The “Sudoku” technique:

If you’ve ever attempted to solve a Sudoku puzzle as fast as possible, you probably found it to be a tedious and challenging task. If this is the case, you can use a technique called “sudoku reversal” to improve your cognition and mental flexibility. When you’re trying to solve a Sudoku puzzle as quickly as possible, you’re actually trying to solve it backward.

So instead of solving the puzzle by finding the missing number that fits into the empty box, you’re trying to find the package with the disappeared number already written. To “reverse” Sudoku puzzles, you just start with the numbers in the empty box.

Then, when you come to a number, you try to find the number in the empty box next to the number. This will give you the same number of boxes as the number you’re trying to find. This “reversal” technique will help you “rewire” your brain so that you don’t hate Sudoku puzzles anymore. –

The “Counting Backwards” technique

The “Counting Backwards” technique: This is a simple but powerful technique for improving your mental flexibility. If you find yourself frequently getting stuck on one particular thought, you can use counting backward to “loosen” your brain. To use counting backward, start by focusing your mind on a specific idea you want to get out of your head.

As you’re doing this, begin counting backward from that thought. So, if you want to get rid of a specific idea causing you to get stuck, focus on that thought as you work backward. Then, when you get to the view you want to get rid of, stop counting and “latch on” to that thought.

This will help you break free of the mental tangent you were stuck on. – The “Mindfulness” technique: The practice of mindfulness is a helpful way to reduce stress and improve your mental health.

The “Be in the Moment” technique –

Another interesting and proven technique I found was the one I learnt from the account of @cjellabella on Instagram. According to her insightful knowledge, you should follow these steps.

Let go of your restless mind and live in the moment. With this exercise, you can handle any stressful situation immediately.

  • Give your mind and thoughts a break.
  • Focus on one thing you see, one thing you can focus on hearing, and one smell to concentrate on.
  • Your perception, aural perception, and olfactory perception will expand as you gain clarity.
  • You just need to keep adding more objects to your see, hear, and smell.
    Lavendar, for example, is an organic scented oil that can help you focus on smell.
  • This is how you focus on the present moment. Your thoughts will not have a chance to occupy you.
  • Take a deep breath and enjoy the moment.

One way to practice mindfulness is to “observe your thoughts like clouds in your sky.” To do this, when you find yourself thinking about something you don’t want to think about, observe your thought like you would observe clouds in the sky.

When you notice an unwanted thought, don’t try to suppress it. Instead, let it drift and gently summon a “new thought” that will help you get back on track.

Brain Biohacking fitness exercises

When looking to improve your memory and overall mental capacity, it’s imperative to also get your mind in shape. Cognitive fitness is the practice of “challenging your grey matter” with strenuous mental exercises that make your brain work harder than it usually would.

This will help your brain become “less lazy” and allow it to utilize all of its resources better. In other words, your mind will be more “sharp” due to these exercises.

Here are some cognitive exercises you can do:

  • Memorizing a long list of random words.
  • Memorizing a series of random facts.
  • Memorizing a long series of digits.

Brain diet and nutrition tips

Brain cells don’t get “fueled” by glucose like other cells in the body. Instead, the brain relies on high-quality proteins called “neuro-transmitters” to communicate with each other.

When you eat a high-carbohydrate diet, your brain gets low protein levels, which can impair your cognition and memory. If you want to improve your memory and cognitive function, you should focus on eating a diet high in complex carbohydrates.

It should be moderate in fats and low in sugar. You can also add intermittent fasting to your diet plan to get the best results.


We all want our brains to function better. The challenges of life may sometimes affect a person’s mental health. You are, however, responsible for your mental well-being.

Take control of your brain by biohacking; using the biohacking tips above, your mindset and brain’s performance will be enhanced. Keep boosting your brainpower; your most vital body asset will certainly appreciate it!

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